Dr. Toru Protocol Case Review: <br>Naro (Age 9, High Blood Pressure)

Dr. Toru Protocol Case Review:
Naro (Age 9, High Blood Pressure)

This article is a part of a series of reviews from people whose cats have shown signs of improvement after taking Greycoat Research’s supplements (AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, AIM Dr. Toru Protocol Chicken Treats, Intensive Protocol). All reviews are posted with the consent of the reviewers, and are shared for the purpose of giving hope to cat owners around the world caring for cats with kidney disease or other related disease.

We at Greycoat Research support the efforts of all cat owners around the world who fight to ensure a better life for cats with CKD.

Meet Naro!

  • Name: Naro
  • Age: 17
  • Weight: 4.6 kg
  • Breed: Persian
  • Notes: Has stage 2 kidney disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), high blood pressure, and arthritis

Effects of AIM Dr. Toru Protocol and Intensive Protocol

Period: 7 months (Mar. - Oct. 2024)

  Before After
Creatinine Levels 2.2 1.9
BUN Levels 42 31
SDMA Levels 15 13
Azodyl, AminAvast, Ipakitine, omega-3, blood pressure medication, antithrombotic drugs AIM Dr. Toru Protocol,
Intensive Protocol,
Azodyl, AminAvast, Ipakitine, omega-3, blood pressure medication, antithrombotic drugs, Antinol Rapid

A Message from Naro’s Caretaker

Naro suffered from stage 2 kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). She also had arthritis, meaning that her hind legs would constantly limp when she walked.

After she was diagnosed with stage 2 kidney disease in 2022, I’ve tried all kinds of different supplements to manage her condition, but her blood tests results still be a cause for concern at times.

I began feeding Naro the AIM Dr. Toru Protocol supplements in March 2024. Instead of giving her the supplements every day, I fed them to her every other day, as there were other supplements that she also had to take regularly. After 4 months of being given the supplements, Naro’s blood tests showed that her kidney levels had gone down.

After that, I continued to feed her the supplements for 3 more months, and in September, I also began giving her Intensive Protocol supplements. As of now, Naro’s been taking AIM Dr. Toru Protocol for 7 months and Intensive Protocol for 2 months.

Since then, her creatinine levels have gone down from 2.2 to 1.9, her BUN levels from 42 to 31, and her SDMA levels from 15 to 13. As you can see, all of them have decreased.

Naro also used to be constantly sleepy, but now, she spends less time sleeping and more time being active! I’m also unable to find even a trace of a limp in her step anymore.


AIM Dr. Toru Protocol is a cat kidney supplement developed by Greycoat Research and Japan’s Institute for AIM Medicine. The supplement activates AIM proteins in a cat’s body to clean waste from the kidneys, thereby supporting kidney health and functions and preventing kidney disease.

Intensive Protocol is a cat kidney supplement provides antioxidant and anti-inflammation capabilities to keep feline kidneys healthy. The supplement provides comprehensive renal care and has a synergetic effect when used alongside AIM Dr. Toru Protocol.

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