Dr. Toru Protocol Case Review: <br>Chenko (Age 12, Heart Failure)

Dr. Toru Protocol Case Review:
Chenko (Age 12, Heart Failure)

This article is a part of a series of reviews from people whose cats have shown signs of improvement after taking Greycoat Research’s supplements (AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, AIM Dr. Toru Protocol Chicken Treats, Intensive Protocol). All reviews are posted with the consent of the reviewers, and are shared for the purpose of giving hope to cat owners around the world caring for cats with kidney disease or other related disease.

We at Greycoat Research support the efforts of all cat owners around the world who fight to ensure a better life for cats with CKD.

Meet Chenko!

  • Name: Chenko
  • Age: 12
  • Weight: 4.9 kg
  • Notes: Has heart failure, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), diabetes, pancreatitis

Effects of AIM Dr. Toru Protocol

Period: 1 month (Aug. - Sep. 2024)

  Before After
Creatinine Levels 1.8 1.5
BUN Levels 28 25
PHOS Levels 4.4 3.9
Vomiting Frequency 2 - 3 times a month N/A
Bowel Movements
(Outside of Litter Box)
3 times a month N/A
Appetite and Energy Levels Decreased appetite and energy levels Increased appetite and energy levels
FortiFlora probiotics, RENOZYME, steroids

AIM Dr. Toru Protocol,
Intensive Protocol,
AIM Dr. Toru Protocol Treats,
FortiFlora probiotics, RENOZYME, steroids

A Message from Chenko's Caretaker

My cat, Chenko, is currently suffering from pancreatitis, heart failure, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and diabetes. Due to these diseases and inflammation, Chenko has a very weak stomach. As such, I began to feed him 1/2 of a capsule of AIM Dr. Toru Protocol and 1 capsule of Intensive Protocol a day.

Some time after I began giving him the supplements, Chenko’s appetite began to grow. He was especially fond of the AIM Dr. Toru Protocol Chicken Treats, and would constantly beg me for more. As his appetite grew, I started to take measures to keep his weight under control.

Thanks to the supplements and Chenko’s tenacity, his most recent blood test results were much better than before. His creatinine levels fell from 1.8 to 1.5, his BUN levels fell from 28 to 22, and his PHOS levels fell from 4.4 to 3.9.

There’s been a clear improvement in his inflammation as well, which has allowed me to reduce his dependency on steroids (for his inflammation). Also, Chenko would experience vomiting and urinary issues 2 to 3 times a month, but there haven’t been any issues since I started giving him the supplements!


AIM Dr. Toru Protocol is a cat kidney supplement developed by Greycoat Research and Japan’s Institute for AIM Medicine. The supplement activates AIM proteins in a cat’s body to clean waste from the kidneys, thereby supporting kidney health and functions and preventing kidney disease.
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