Get your cat the CKD care they need before it’s too late!


Greycoat Research consultations are conducted with expert opinions from our board of veterinarians, pharmacists, and nutritionists, including Dr. Kobayashi Motoo of Japan's Seijo Kobayashi Veterinary Clinic and Dr. Kim Jae-young of Korea's Taeneung Cat Hospital.

Simply fill out the form below and submit it, and we’ll look over your cat’s information and consult our advisory board of veterinary experts before reaching back out via your email address to help you find a feeding method and schedule that’s right for your cat’s condition.

The information includes:

  • Blood test results (can be uploaded as an image or entered manually)
  • Changes in weight, appetite, and/or energy levels
  • Other supplements/medications your cat is currently taking
  • Your cat’s health condition, such as any other diseases they may be suffering from

Every bit of information will help us and our expert consultants provide you with more accurate advice for your cat!

If you have any comments you’d like to give us about our services, things we should know about your cat, or questions about our products, please don’t hesitate to add them in the Comments and Questions field!

The details of your consultations, except your personal information, may be used and uploaded onto the Greycoat Research site as a counselling case.

Contact form

Caretaker Information

Tell us about your cat!

*If you don’t know your cat’s exact age, please enter their (estimated) year of birth!

*EX. Before 4.5kg ➡️ After 4.0kg

No files selected

*Don’t have an image at hand? Don’t worry, just enter the details of your cat’s most recent blood test here so we can get a better idea of your cat’s condition and give your cat the advice they need!

Feeding Methods

Current energy levels

Consultation Cases

  • My Cat Just Got Out of Surgery, But Has CKD! What Can I Do?

    February 03, 2025

    Trying to force kidney treatment on a cat that is already recovering from surgery can end up backfiring and doing more harm than good. That’s why Greycoat Research advises caregivers to closely monitor their cats and talk to their veterinarians after surgeries to determine the quickest yet safest...

    My Cat Just Got Out of Surgery, But Has CKD! What Can I Do?
  • What More Can I Do For a Cat with Stage 4 CKD?

    January 15, 2025

    What can you do when it's too late? Do you continue fighting until the end, or do you seek to bring an end to suffering? The choice is never easy to make. All you can do is make sure you have no regrets.

    What More Can I Do For a Cat with Stage 4 CKD?
  • Too Many Supplements, Too Many Expenses! How Can I Cut Costs?

    January 14, 2025

    One of the hardest things about CKD is trying to manage all the supplements your cat needs. It demands a lot out of cat and human alike, whether it's time, money, or physical and mental health. Today's case involves a caregiver seeking ways to cut down or consolidate supplements to streamline the...

    Too Many Supplements, Too Many Expenses! How Can I Cut Costs?
  • Help! I Think My Cat's Kidneys Are Too Healthy!

    January 13, 2025

    Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? Today's case involves a caregiver delighted to find their cat's health and energy levels improving after taking AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, but also dismayed to realize that their cat's excessive energy levels are keeping them both from getting any sl...

    Help! I Think My Cat's Kidneys Are Too Healthy!