Dr. Toru Protocol Case Review: <br>Mona (Age 7, Kidney Calcification)

Dr. Toru Protocol Case Review:
Mona (Age 7, Kidney Calcification)

This article is a part of a series of reviews from people whose cats have shown signs of improvement after taking Greycoat Research’s supplements (AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, AIM Dr. Toru Protocol Chicken Treats, Intensive Protocol). All reviews are posted with the consent of the reviewers, and are shared for the purpose of giving hope to cat owners around the world caring for cats with kidney disease or other related disease.

We at Greycoat Research support the efforts of all cat owners around the world who fight to ensure a better life for cats with CKD.

Meet Mona!

  • Name: Mona
  • Age: 7
  • Weight: 5.35 kg
  • Notes: Partial calcification on left kidney

Effects of AIM Dr. Toru Protocol and Intensive Protocol

Period: 1 month (Aug. - Sep. 2024)

  Before After
Creatinine Levels 1.7 1.4
BUN Levels 23 20
Energy Levels Decreased energy levels

More time spent on cat tower
Increased activity
More time spent running and jumping


GABA, Impactamin Pet for Cats,
Vetple Urinary Stick & Calming Stick,
Dr. Felis Daily Solution Immune Powder

AIM Dr. Toru Protocol,
Intensive Protocol,

A Message from Mona's Caretaker

When doctors found signs of renal calcification in Mona, I became very worried about my baby’s health! I looked up for ways to help her, and decided to start feeding Mona both Intensive Protocol and AIM Dr. Toru Protocol to keep her kidneys from getting worse.

Since then, Mona’s creatinine levels have dropped from 1.7 to 1.4, and her BUN levels have also dropped from 23 to 20.

In contrast, her energy levels have gone way up! She’s a lot more gung-ho about climbing the cat tower and dashing through our house!

Another change I’ve noticed after giving her supplements is in her bowel movements. Before I started feeding her Intensive Protocol and AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, Mona would sometimes end up doing her business outside of the litter box. Thankfully, this no longer seems to be happening!



AIM Dr. Toru Protocol is a cat kidney supplement developed by Greycoat Research and Japan’s Institute for AIM Medicine. The supplement activates AIM proteins in a cat’s body to clean waste from the kidneys, thereby supporting kidney health and functions and preventing kidney disease.

Intensive Protocol is a cat kidney supplement provides antioxidant and anti-inflammation capabilities to keep feline kidneys healthy. The supplement provides comprehensive renal care and has a synergetic effect when used alongside AIM Dr. Toru Protocol.

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