Can Feline Kidney Disease Be Prevented?

While kidney disease cannot be completely stopped, giving your cat proper care and taking preventative measures can reduce their chances of developing the disease and delay its progress.

Make sure to follow these tips!

  • Encourage your cat to drink plenty of water!
  • Feed your cat a nutritionally balanced meal!
  • Give your cats renal (kidney) health supplements!

According to Greycoat Research’s internal research, after 30 healthy senior cats (ages 7 to 10) were given supplements designed by Greycoat Research for 3 years straight, none of them displayed any progressions of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Meanwhile, 60% of cats in the control group who were not given supplements went from stage 1 CKD to stage 2 CKD. This shows that the appropriate preventative measures can help feline kidney health.

Since its release in 2024, Dr. Toru Protocol has been administered to approximately 3,000 cats around the world. Among these cats, 10% of their owners gave Greycoat Research permission to use their cases for marketing purposes, and no progression of CKD stages was recorded in any of the cats.

It may be nigh-impossible to completely prevent CKD in cats. However, proper care and preventative measures can delay the disease, both from developing and progressing. As such, the best way to deal with kidney disease is to start managing it before it even begins.

Get your cat the CKD care they need before it’s too late!