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AIM Activator

Dr. Toru-Protokoll

Dr. Toru-Protokoll

33 Bewertungen insgesamt

Normaler Preis US$46.60
Normaler Preis Verkaufspreis US$46.60
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Dr. Toru Protocol is a cat kidney supplement developed by Greycoat Research and the Institute for AIM Medicine. It activates the AIM protein in a cat’s body to clear waste, protecting the kidneys from chronic kidney disease and supporting overall kidney functions.

Product Details

  • Name: Dr. Toru Protocol
  • Dosage Form: Capsules
  • Quantity: 60 capsules
  • Ingredients: Amino acid complex, Coenzyme Q10
  • Made in Republic of Korea

Instruction & Dosage

  • Method 1. Simply feed the capsule to your pet.
  • Method 2. Take the capsule apart and mix its contents into your pet’s snack.

Guaranteed Analysis

  • Crude Protein (min.) 23.5%
  • Crude Fat (min.) 6.5%
  • Calcium (min.) 0.8%
  • Phosphorus (min.) 0.5%
  • Crude Fiber (max.) 0.2%
  • Crude Ash (max.) 5.9%
  • Moisture (max.) 7.0%
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Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
Lars Johansson

My cats kidney levels didn’t come out well….. I’m following the stage 3 feeding schedule they gave me after our talk. Thnks for the consultation session, it helped a lot

Ola Hansen

I’m currently raising 2 cats (8yo and 15yo) and both eat the exact same things except these supplements, which only my 15yo eats, and he’s the picture of health - he eats a ton and plays actively! been giving them to my 15yo for months and still haven’t noticed any downsides.

Jean Martin

Got spooked by my cat’s mild dehydration and sorta high kidney numbers so I made a lot of changes to his food, gave him a bigger water bowl, and sprinkled whatever was inside the pills on his food.

On month later, he got a blood test and his numbers are all normal now, thank goodness! Thanks so much!

Pierre Dupont

My cat is 20 yrs old, and has ckd stage 3. She was always strong and healthy, but when we took her to the clnic 4 months ago they diagnosed her with ckd and we’ve been doing our best to take care of her ckd. I really hope this works.


Fed it to my cat for a month, kidney levels were a bit lower after checkup, not sure if it was cuz of the aim but I’ll keep feeding it

Dr. Toru-Protokoll

Die persönliche AIM-Ergänzungslösung vonToru Miyazaki - Übersetzungvom Institute for AIM Medicine, der die Ursache der Nierenerkrankung bei Katzen entdeckte.

  • Entwickelt unter Verwendung von Substanzen und Formeln, die durch die Forschung von Dr. Toru Miyazaki verifiziert wurden, der als erster Mensch auf der Welt das AIM-Protein entdeckte
  • Eine Kombination ausCoenzym Q10und einAminosäurenkomplexdas AIM-Proteine ​​aktiviert
  • Kann sowohl gesunden Katzen als auch Katzen verabreicht werden, die eine Nierenbehandlung benötigen
  • Kapseln (15,9 mm)ist für die einfache Verabreichung an kleine Katzen konzipiert, die möglicherweise Probleme beim Schlucken größerer Kapseln haben
  • Hatkein Geschmack oder Geruch, so dass es mit Nahrung oder Snacks verabreicht werden kann
  • Kostenlose Expertenberatung für Fragen und Hilfedie Katzenhalter über unsere Produkte oder die Gesundheitspflege von Katzen haben könnten

Weitere Informationen.

  • Die Forschung von Dr. Toru Miyazaki und dem Institute for AIM Medicine enthüllt!
    👉 Inaktive AIM-Proteine ​​führen bei Katzen zur Ansammlung von Abfallprodukten in den Nieren
    👉 Ansammlung von Abfallprodukten in den Nieren verursacht Entzündungen und führt zu Nierenerkrankungen
  • Mehr erfahrenüber Dr. Toru Miyazakis Forschung und das Institute for AIM Medicine


  • 🤔Haben Sie mit anderen Nierenpräparaten für Ihre Katze kein Glück gehabt? Probieren Sie die AIM Dr. Toru Protocol-Präparate!

Das AIM Dr. Toru Protokoll von Greycoat Research isthilft derzeit 3.000 Katzen in Korea(Stand: Okt. 2024), mit begeisterten Bewertungen von Katzenbesitzern, deren Katzen seit der Einnahme unserer Nahrungsergänzungsmittel bemerkenswerte Fortschritte gemacht haben!

  • Byeol / 8 years old

    Diagnosed with stage 2 kidney disease

    I tried so many other nutritional supplements before Dr. Toru Protocol, but none of them managed to bring Byeol’s creatinine levels down to normal levels. But Dr. Toru Protocol got them to drop in just 2 months! I’m so happy it helped Byeol, and I’ll make sure to continue administering it!

  • Dongdong / 3 years old

    Currently managing creatinine

    Dongdong’s test results showed a high creatinine level for his age, so I felt I had to try anything to help him. I bought the supplements, and now he always licks his bowl clean, which is such a relief. I’ll keep giving him these supplements and look forward to Greycoat Research's future releases!

  • Lui / 10 years old

    Diagnosed with stage 1 kidney disease

    Lui’s currently on her third bottle of supplements! She’s a lot more active now, and doesn’t urinate as often as she did. I started feeding her the supplements as a prevention measure, since she has stage 1 kidney disease.

1 von 3

Instruction & Dosage

1️⃣ How to Administer

  • Method 1. Simply feed the capsule to your pet.
  • Method 2. Take the capsule apart and mix its contents into your pet’s snack.

2️⃣ Recommended Dosage

  • Please check the size of your Dr. Toru Protocol capsules.
  • The size of the capsules may change depending on how they are measured, and the starting point of the measurement.

  • It may take at least 2 months of steady, consistent administration to see results.
  • The daily dosage can be administered over multiple courses in the day as opposed to all at once.
  • If your pet is taking other supplements or medications, it is recommended to administer the product at a time apart from said supplements/medications to prevent interference or unwanted interactions.
  • Capsules may be administered regardless of whether your pet has already eaten or not.

3️⃣ Caution
  • Please do not exceed the recommended daily dosage of the product.
  • This product is for pets, and should not be taken by humans.
  • This product should not be administered to ruminants.
  • Please wait until your pet has reached at least 3 months of age before administering this product.
  • Heat and moisture may alter the product, so please store it in cool, dry places and away from direct light and hot, humid places.
  • Please administer the product as quickly as you can after it has been opened, regardless of the expiration date.
  • Excessive administration of the product may lead to symptoms such as indigestion and diarrhea, so please follow the daily recommended dosage.
  • Due to the nature of the ingredients used in the product, the color of the capsules may be inconsistent, but this has no bearing on the actual quality of the product.
  • The exact ratio of the ingredients within the product may be subject to change depending on the manufacturing plant’s circumstances.


  • Name:Dr. Toru-Protokoll
  • Darreichungsform:Kapseln
  • Menge:60 Kapseln
  • Zutaten:Aminosäurekomplex, Coenzym Q10, Resveratrol, mikrokristalline Cellulose
  • Garantierte Analyse:Rohprotein (min.) 23,5 %, Rohfett (min.) 6,5 %, Calcium (min.) 0,8 %, Phosphor (min.) 0,5 %, Rohfaser (max.) 0,2 %, Rohasche (max.) 5,9 %, Feuchtigkeit (max.) 7,0 %
  • Hergestellt inRepublik Korea

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Denken Sie daran, wachsam zu bleiben!

Bei der Pflege einer Katze mit Nierenerkrankung ist Wachsamkeit wichtig.

Beobachten Sie den Zustand Ihrer Katze genau und stellen Sie sich folgende Fragen!

  • ✅ Putzt sich Ihre Katze selbst?
  • ✅ Benutzt Ihre Katze den Kratzbaum oder erkundet sie ihre Umgebung (ihr Revier)?
  • ✅ Hat Ihre Katze Appetit? Ist sie beim Spielen (Jagd) ansprechbar?

Greycoat Research bietet fachkundige Beratungsdienste an, um alle Ihre Fragen zur Durchführung des Dr. Toru-Protokolls zu beantworten.


What is the main ingredient of Dr. Toru Protocol?

Dr. Toru Protocol is primarily composed of an amino acid complex and coenzyme Q10. If your cat is already taking other supplements that contain amino acid, please contact us for a consultation so we can determine the optimal dose of Dr. Toru Protocol for your cat.

What is the recommended daily dose for my cat?

The recommended daily dose of Dr. Toru Protocol depends on your cat’s weight.

Under 3 kg* - 1 capsule a day
3 kg or over - 2 capsules a day
*Approx. 6.6 lbs

Please click Consultations Tab if you have any other questions!

Can I give Dr. Toru Protocol to my dog?

Yes, you can. Dr. Toru Protocol was designed to be compatible with dogs as well.

If your dog weighs under 4 kg, please administer 1 capsule a day.
If your dog weighs 4 kg or over, please administer 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening.

If your dog weighs over 8 kg, please contact us at Greycoat Research for a free consultation on your dog’s recommended daily dose.

Can I still give Dr. Toru Protocol to my cat if my cat is already healthy?

Certainly. The progress of feline kidney disease is influenced by the AIM protein’s inability to activate within your cat’s body. Dr. Toru Protocol triggers the activation of the AIM protein, allowing it to help remove waste from within your cat. As such, Dr. Toru Protocol can play an important role in preventing waste from building up within your cat even if they are already healthy.

We recommend administering Dr. Toru Protocol to cats over the age of 1 as a preventive measure against kidney disease.

My cat is already taking other supplements. Can I still give Dr. Toru Protocol to my cat?

Yes, Dr. Toru Protocol can be administered alongside most supplements or medicines. However, if your cat is already taking supplements that contain amino acids, you should adjust the dose of Dr. Toru Protocol. This is because Dr. Toru Protocol also contains amino acids, and excessive consumption of amino acids may cause strain to your cat’s kidneys.

If you contact us at Greycoat Research with a list of the supplements your cat is already taking, we can work with you to find the optimal dose of Dr. Toru Protocol for your cat.

Can I give my cat Dr. Toru Protocol and Intensive Protocol at the same time?

Yes, you can give your cat both Dr. Toru Protocol and Intensive Protocol at the same time. However, as Dr. Toru Protocol contains amino acids, we recommend giving it to your cat during or after meal/snack time. On the other hand, Intensive Protocol can be administered at any time.

What’s the difference between Dr. Toru Protocol and the AIM cure?

The AIM cure being developed by Dr. Toru Miyazaki’s Institute for AIM Medicine (IAM) is an injection that directly administers active AIM proteins into a cat’s body. The cure is still in development in Japan, and is not yet commercially available.

In contrast, Greycoat Research’s Dr. Toru Protocol works by triggering the activation of AIM proteins that are already within a cat’s body to help remove waste from within their kidneys. Dr. Toru Protocol was co-developed by Greycoat Research and Japan’s IAM based on Dr. Toru’s latest research. Greycoat Research is working with IAM to accelerate development of the AIM cure.

What is the expiration date of Dr. Toru Protocol?

The expiration date for Dr. Toru Protocol is 2 years from its production.

I have a question that’s not in the FAQ!

If your cat is currently taking many other supplements, and you have questions regarding their compatibility with Dr. Toru Protocol, please click on the Consultations tab and enter the following information so we can better assist you and provide you with an accurate answer.

- Your cat’s health, blood test results, what supplements your cat is currently taking, any existing complications, etc.