Help! I Think My Cat's Kidneys Are Too Healthy!

Meet Today’s (Anonymous) Cat!

  • Age: 10
  • Sex: Male
  • Weight: 6 kg
  • Notes: Received treatment for pulmonary embolism, and takes diuretic and antithrombotic drugs for his condition. Out of concern for the drugs’ effects on his kidneys, the cat’s caregiver began feeding him AIM Dr. Toru Protocol.
  • Cause for Consultation: Against his caregiver's expectations, cat's energy levels increased excessively at night, to the point where the caretaker was unable to handle it.

Hi, I’m writing to ask for help about my cat.
He’s 10 years old and weighs 6 kg.
In the past, he had to be hospitalized for pulmonary embolism.
Because of his condition, I give him diuretic and antithrombotic drugs every day.
However, I got worried that the drugs might be too taxing on his kidneys, so I started giving him AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, too.
I began giving him the supplements on October 29, and he’s gotten a lot healthier in the 2 months since then.
He runs around a lot more, and his meowing sounds much richer and energetic.
Problem is, I think he may have become too healthy.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m overjoyed that my cat’s happy.
As his human, I couldn’t be prouder of my little guy.
But he’s also calling me at 2 am at the top of his lungs.
I’ve been living like this for two weeks, and I can’t remember the last time I had a proper night of sleep.
Please help me.

Greycoat Research
Hello, we at Greycoat Research are always ready to help.
Cats may cry for a wide range of reasons, such as companionship, hunger, or pain.
It is possible that your cat is crying for a playmate, but we cannot discount the possibility that some other factor may be the cause for his crying.
For instance, cats in pain may sometimes start crying at night.
Do you happen to have a video of your cat crying?
It could help us better understand your cat’s issues.

(In response to our request, the caregiver sent us a video of their cat.)

As you can tell, he’s a lot healthier now than when I first started giving him the drugs for his condition.
He’s just zooming all over the place.
I’m trying my best to play with him and tire him out, but I’m the one who ends up getting tired instead, and he’ll still have enough energy to run around by himself.
Have his kidneys gotten too healthy?
Is that a thing?
Can I reduce his daily dose of AIM Dr. Toru Protocol to 1 capsule a day*?
It’s the only supplement I’m feeding him at the moment.
Please help me, I’m starting to forget what sleep feels like.

(*The recommended daily dose of AIM Dr. Toru Protocol is 1 capsule a day for cats under 3 kg, and 2 capsules a day for cats 3 kg and over.)

Greycoat Research
Could you tell us what your cat’s average day is like?

Every day, at 7:30 in the morning and 7:30 in the evening, I feed him his diuretics and AIM Dr. Toru Protocol after he’s had his meal.

Greycoat Research
The daily recommended dose for our AIM Dr. Toru Protocol supplements is 2 capsules a day for cats over 3 kg.
As your cat is 6 kg, we advise you to stick to the recommended dose.
However, it may be possible to lower your cat’s excessive energy levels by adjusting his feeding schedule.
We recommend adhering to your original morning schedule, but making adjustments to his evening schedule so that he takes the supplements right before you sleep, as opposed to right after his evening meal.

 Before After
  • 7:30 AM (Morning)
    Diuretic & AIM Dr. Toru Protocol (after meal)
  • 7:30 PM (Evening)
    Diuretic & AIM Dr. Toru Protocol (after meal)
  • 7:30 AM (Morning)
    Diuretic (after meal)
    AIM DR. Toru Protocol (5 min. after meal)
  • 7:30 PM (Evening)
    Diuretic (after meal)
  • 12:00 AM (Midnight)
    AIM Dr. Toru Protocol (after snack)

Try feeding your cat a snack before giving him the AIM Dr. Toru Protocol supplements.
Once the supplements have been administered, your cat should experience temporary drowsiness.
Furthermore, as your cat will still be full from dinner a few hours earlier, the drowsiness from the AIM Dr. Toru Protocol supplement may put him in the mood for a nap.
That way, you and your cat can both go to sleep at around the same time!


Dealing with chronic conditions such as CKD isn’t a sprint, but rather a marathon. That’s why steady, consistent care is essential to proper kidney care for cats. However, caring for cats with CKD isn’t easy. Life constantly throws new obstacles on the racecourse, causing you and your cat to stumble and falter.

That’s why Greycoat Research is here. We give cats and their humans the support and advice they need to stay on the course, and will run by your side to ensure you have a helping hand available at all times.

Greycoat Research offers free, expert consultation services for cat caregivers with questions about our supplements and their administration to ensure that every cat can receive the customized care they need.

In order to make important information more readily available to all cat caregivers seeking help with their cat’s CKD, we at Greycoat Research are compiling our consultation cases and making them publicly available*.

*Any personal information that could be used to identify our customers and their cats have been removed to protect their privacy.

Get your cat the CKD care they need before it’s too late!