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プロバイオティクス プロトコル (2 か月分)

プロバイオティクス プロトコル (2 か月分)


通常価格 US$58.99
通常価格 セール価格 US$58.99
セール 売り切れ

プロバイオティクス プロトコルは、猫の腸に届けられ、健康な腸内環境を保つ 9 種類の有益なプロバイオティクス菌株を配合した猫用腎臓サプリメントです。このサプリメントは、猫の尿毒素や窒素性老廃物を体から除去し、腎臓病の主な原因の 1 つである腎臓の炎症を予防するのに役立ちます。

  • 猫に優しい原材料
  • 動物実験なし
  • 持続可能な製造


  • 名前:プロバイオティクス プロトコル
  • 剤形:カプセル
  • 数量: 60カプセル
  • 原材料:微結晶セルロース、プロバイオティクスパウダー (ラクトバチルス・プランタラム MFM30-3、ラクトバチルス・パラカゼイ MFM18)、7 種のプロバイオティクスミックス (ラクトバチルス・プランタラム、ラクトバチルス・アシドフィルス、ラクトバチルス・カゼイ、ビフィズス菌乳酸菌、ビフィズス菌ロンガム、ビフィズス菌ブレーベ、ストレプトコッカス・サーモフィラス)、フラクトオリゴ糖、二酸化ケイ素、ステアリン酸マグネシウム、イソマルト
  • 韓国


  • 方法 1.カプセルを猫に与えるだけです。
  • 方法 2.カプセルを分解し、中身を猫のおやつに混ぜます。
  • 体重に関係なく、1日1カプセルを摂取してください。


  • 粗タンパク質(最小)1.8%
  • 粗脂肪(最小)0.7%
  • カルシウム(最小)0.01%
  • リン(最小)0.5%
  • 粗繊維(最大)4.8%
  • 粗灰分(最大)10.7%
  • 水分(最大)14.0%

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Notification of Shipping Delays

Due to issues with the parcel sorting machine at the post office, we are currently experiencing shipping delays.
Affected Shipments: EMS, EMS Premium, Air Parcels
We apologize to all our customers and ask for your understanding. We will promptly update you once the issues have been resolved.

Probiotics Protocol

Greycoat Research believes that probiotics are essential to proper kidney disease care for cats. That’s why we’ve developed a probiotic supplement for cats full of helpful probiotics chosen for their beneficial effect on feline kidney and intestinal health to help preserve their kidney functions and prevent kidney inflammation.

  • Contains a mix of 9 probiotic strains selected for their benefit on cat kidneys, including the clinically proven Lactobacillus plantarum MFM30-3 and Lactobacillus paracasei MFM18 strains.
  • Designed to deliver the optimal amount of probiotic bacteria (2 billion CFU) needed to improve feline kidney health by factoring in feline physiology.
  • Promotes healthy bowel movements in cats and helps digestion.
  • Helps cats remove nitrogenous waste and uremic toxins from their body to reduce inflammation, which is one of the leading causes of CKD in cats.
  • Made using eco-friendly, vegetable-based capsules.
  • Has no flavor or smell, allowing it to be administered with food or snacks.
  • Free expert consultations for any questions and help that cat caretakers may have about our products.
Get a Free Consultation

Additional Info

  • Kidney health and gut health go hand-in-hand!
    👉 An unhealthy gut can end up causing more uremic toxins to be produced.
    👉 Uremic toxins can cause damage to the kidneys, resulting in inflammation.
    👉 Inflammation is one of the leading causes of CKD, and can make existing CKD worsen!
  • Too much of a good thing can be bad for you! More probiotics doesn’t necessarily mean better health for cats!
    👉 An excessive intake of probiotics can lead to side effects such as diarrhea or constipation.
    👉 Balance is important in feline gut health!
    👉 Probiotics Protocol contains 2 billion CFU guaranteed to reach your cat’s intestines!
  • Probiotics Protocol is a synbiotic - that means it contains both probiotics and prebiotics!
    👉 Prebiotics help probiotics flourish and grow, allowing the probiotics to reach your cat’s intestines safely!

Case Study

Not having any luck with other renal supplements for your cat?
Try Intensive Protocol supplements!
Greycoat Research’s Intensive Protocol is currently helping 3,000 cats in Korea (as of Oct. 2024), with glowing reviews from cat owners who cats have made remarkable progress since taking our supplements!


  • Lactobacillus plantarum MFM30-3: Supports toxin removal from kidneys and produces antioxidant compounds.
  • Lactobacillus paracasei MFM18: Improves calcium metabolism and suppresses production of toxins in the gut.
  • Lactobacillus plantarum: Reduces uremic toxins and possesses anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus: Regulates phosphorus metabolism and relieves inflammation.
  • Lactobacillus casei: Reduces bacteria that produce uremic toxins and creates a favorable environment for other probiotics in the gut.
  • Bifidobacterium lactis: Modulates pH in the gut and promotes calcium absorption.
  • Bifidobacterium longum: Reduces uremic toxins and prevents inflammation in the kidneys.
  • Bifidobacterium breve: Possesses anti-inflammatory properties and helps remove uremic toxins.
  • Streptococcus thermophilus: Suppresses uremic toxins and protects intestinal mucous.
  • Fructooligosaccharide: Helps probiotics flourish and grow.
  • ミョツィ / 9歳


    猫のミョッツィにAIM Dr. Toru Protocolを与え始めてから、クレアチニン値が1.93から1.43に下がりました。Intensive Protocolも与え始めることにしましたが、それ以来、ミョッツィはずっと元気になりました!睡眠時間がずっと短くなり、家中を全力で走り回るようになりました!食欲も増し、全体的にずっと愛情深くオープンになりました!

  • ナロ / 17歳


    Naro AIM Dr. Toru プロトコルを 7 か月間、集中プロトコルを 2 か月間与えた後、クレアチニン値は 2.2 から 1.9 に、BUN 値は 42 から 31 に、SDMA 値は 15 から 13 に低下しました。彼女は以前よりもずっと活発になり、後ろ足を引きずることもなくなりました。

  • モナ / 7歳


    AIM Dr. Toru プロトコルと集中プロトコルの両方を 1 か月間服用した後、モナのクレアチニン値は 1.7 から 1.4 に、BUN 値は 23 から 20 に低下しました。モナは以前より元気になり、走り回ったり、キャットタワーに登ったりする時間が増えました。排便も改善され、トイレの外に出なくなりました。

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Instruction & Dosage

1️⃣ How to Administer

  • Method 1 Simply feed the capsule to your cat.
  • Method 2 Take the capsule apart and mix its contents into your cat’s snack or food.

2️⃣ Recommended Dosage

  • The recommended dosage of Probiotics Protocol is 1 capsule a day, regardless of your cat’s weight.

  • You can manage your cat’s kidneys even more effectively by administering all 3 of Greycoat Research’s feline kidney care supplements.
    💊 Over 3kg*: 2 capsules of AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, 1 capsule of Intensive Protocol, and 1 capsule of Probiotics Protocol a day
    💊 Under 3kg: 1 capsules of AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, 1 capsule of Intensive Protocol, and 1 capsule of Probiotics Protocol a day
  • We recommend administering Probiotics Protocol consistently for at least 2 months for better effectiveness.
  • Probiotics Protocol can be administered at any time of the day, regardless of whether your cat has already eaten or not. Probiotics Protocol can be administered alongside other supplements/medications. However, we advise you to exercise caution in the following situations.
    • If your cat is currently taking other probiotic supplements, we advise you to refrain from using them, and administer only Probiotics Protocol to prevent excessive probiotic intake for the sake of your cat’s kidney functions.
    • If your cat is currently taking adsorbents (such as phosphorus binders), we advise you to administer the adsorbents and Probiotics Protocol 1 to 2 hours apart.
    • While Probiotics Protocol can be administered before, during, or after your cat’s meal, we recommend giving them to your cat before a meal for the best effect on their kidney health.

3️⃣ Caution
  • Please do not exceed the recommended daily dosage of the product.
  • This product is for cat, and should not be taken by humans.
  • This product should not be administered to ruminants.
  • Please wait until your cat has reached at least 3 months of age before administering this product.
  • Heat and moisture may alter the product, so please store it in cool, dry places and away from direct light and hot, humid places.
  • Please administer the product as quickly as you can after it has been opened, regardless of the expiration date.
  • Excessive administration of the product may lead to symptoms such as indigestion and diarrhea, so please follow the daily recommended dosage.
  • Due to the nature of the ingredients used in the product, the color of the capsules may be inconsistent, but this has no bearing on the actual quality of the product.
  • The exact ratio of the ingredients within the product may be subject to change depending on the manufacturing plant’s circumstances.

Product Details

  • Name: Probiotics Protocol
  • Dosage Form: Capsules
  • Quantity: 60 capsules
  • Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, Probiotic powder (Lactobacillus plantarum MFM30-3, Lactobacillus paracasei MFM18), 7-strain probiotic mix (Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium lactic, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Streptococcus thermophilus), Fructooligosaccharide, Silicon dioxide, Magnesium stearate, Isomalt
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein (min.) 1.8%, Crude Fat (min.) 0.7%, Calcium (min.) 0.01%, Phosphorus (min.) 0.5%, Crude Fiber (max.) 4.8%, Crude Ash (max.) 10.7%, Moisture (max.) 14.0%
  • Made in Republic of Korea

Notice on Shipping

Products will be shipped within 4 days of your order. It may take up to 10 days to receive your order once it has been shipped.

Remember to Stay Vigilant!

It’s important to stay vigilant when caring for a cat with kidney disease.
Make sure to observe your cat’s condition carefully and ask yourself the following questions!
    ✅ Does your cat engage in self-grooming?
    ✅ Does your cat use the scratcher or explore their surroundings (territory)?
    ✅ Does your cat have an appetite? Is your cat responsive during play (hunting) time?
Greycoat Research provides expert consultation services to answer any questions you may have about administering Intensive Protocol.
Get a Free Consultation


プロバイオティクス プロトコルを犬に与えても大丈夫ですか?

プロバイオティクス プロトコルは猫の腎臓機能を改善するために設計されましたが、犬にも投与できます。

体重 8 kg 未満の犬* に推奨される投与量は、1 日 1 カプセルのプロバイオティクス プロトコルです。体重が 8 kg を超える犬の場合は、無料相談にご連絡ください。犬に最適なプロバイオティクス プロトコルの投与量を決定いたします。


高齢の猫にプロバイオティクス プロトコルを与えても大丈夫ですか?

はい、できます。プロバイオティクス プロトコルは、年齢に関係なく猫に投与できます。ただし、猫について何か懸念がある場合は、無料の専門家による相談にご連絡ください。プロバイオティクス プロトコルが猫に適しているかどうかを一緒に確認させていただきます。

妊娠中の猫にプロバイオティクス プロトコルを与えても大丈夫ですか?

はい、できます。ただし、猫について何か心配なことがあれば、無料の専門家による相談にご連絡ください。プロバイオティクス プロトコルが猫に適しているかどうかを一緒に確認させていただきます。

プロバイオティクス プロトコルの有効期限は何ですか?

プロバイオティクス プロトコルの有効期限は製造から 18 か月です。

FAQ に記載されていない質問があります。


- 猫の健康状態、血液検査の結果、猫が現在摂取しているサプリメント、既存の合併症など。